The Bulgarian Direct Selling Associations (BDSA) is a non-profit organization. It was established in May 2004. Main objectives of BDSA are:
- To create and promote positive image of direct sales in Bulgaria
- To enhance professional standards in direct sales and in the member companies
- To protect consumer's and member's interests
In May 2005 BDSA became member of SELDIA - The European Direct Selling Association.
BDSA Members
AquaSource Sofia 1404,
"Gotze Delchev", rd.
47 Kostenski vodopad str.
en. А, fl. 1
Forever Living
Sofia 1408
41B Burel str.
Sofia 1750,
54B, "Tsarigradsko shose" blv.
Royal Sales
Sofia 1612,
Lagera rd.
14 Hrizantema str.
Sofia 1000,
28 "Todor Aleksandrov" blv
The European Direct Selling Association (SELDIA) was formed in 1968 and represents the direct selling industry in Europe.
SELDIA's mission and objectives are …
- To promote direct selling to the EU institutions by stimulating acceptance and confidence within the European public, and to obtain a favorable legislative environment within which direct selling may profitably operate and develop;
- To promote the highest ethical standards of direct selling practices through our Codes of Conduct and to monitor their implementation by member associations;
- To represent the interests of national associations and their member companies to EU institutions.
SELDIA's Members are …
- 32 national direct selling associations (DSAs), out of which 22 in EU Member States and acceding countries; one association per country;
- 17 Member Companies (Associates): member of at least 3 DSAs and operating in at least 5 European markets
Mission Statement
SELDIA shall represent and promote, at European level, the interests of national Direct Selling Associations and their members engaged in direct selling.
This mission will be achieved, in particular, by:
- maintaining contacts with relevant EU officials and with other relevant business organizations and consumer interests in Brussels;
- lobbying EU officials in defense of its members' interests with regard to any European legislative development that represents, as indicated by its members, any threat to the efficient operations of their direct selling businesses;
- in consultation with its members, determining and advocating new EU legislation in the interests of the efficient operation of pan European direct selling businesses
- promoting the economic and consumer benefits of the direct selling channel;
- promoting a proper understanding of the way in which direct selling businesses are organized;
- setting high standards, through a European code, for acceptable practices in selling methods and the treatment of direct sellers;
- disseminating to its members legislative and other information of use in the efficient operation of its members associations.